Thursday 31 March 2011

Message for the day

Message for the day
Trust wins cooperation.

Projection: If there is the thought that we can do things ourselves without other people’s help, it means that we have arrogance of our own potential or we are not able to have trust for others. This lack of trust doesn’t allow us to use others’ potential for the benefit of the task. So we are deprived of a very useful resource and we will not be able to be happy.

Solution: I need to understand the fact that there is greater success in cooperation. It is much more useful to invest my time and resources in training and developing others’ potential. This brings about the best from people and so there is a greater contribution and hence greater success in every task that I take up.

Soul Sustenance
Anger Management

Creating Your Inner Peace Room (Visualization)
To overcome anger, visualize a house and in that house there is a 'peace room'. See the room as an empty space. Then, step by step decorate and finish the room with the colours and objects, which symbolize peace to you. See the sun streaming into the room, filling the room with light. Then see yourself sitting in the room and filling the room with your vibrations of peace.

This is now your 'inner peace room'. Whenever you see yourself experiencing emotions like anger, irritation, frustration etc. - you can go visit this room using the power of your mind and intellect (visualization) - it takes only a second - and peace awaits you. To keep it fresh in your mind write a description of your peace room.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Message for the day and Soul Sustenance

Message for the day
A single positive thought can make the mind powerful.

Projection: When a negative thought comes in my mind regarding the self, another person or a situation, the mind is usually filled with a lot more negative thoughts. Lots of thoughts from the past too come up in the mind, which further take the mind towards negativity.

Solution: I need to take up the challenge of creating a positive thought even in the most negative situation. Doing this will help me break the cycle of negativity. The positive thought that I take need not be connected to the present situation, but it could be any thought that will take me towards positivity. +
Soul Sustenance
A Basic Meditation For Beginners (cont.)

Referring to yesterday’s meditation,
when you sit to meditate, choose the quietest and most peaceful place you can find, either in your home or in your office or anywhere else, preferably in a place that you do not use very often. If this isn't possible, sit where the objects in the room around you won't divert your attention. If you can, set this place aside purely for the purpose of meditation. You could also choose to sit in the proximity (closeness) of nature. Start with ten or fifteen minutes. Then gradually increase the time. Soft or subdued lighting will help as will some soft background music of your choice.

The basic meditation, explained yesterday, is simple to do, relaxing and energizing, and easy to integrate into your busy schedule, whether at your workplace or home. All you need are three or four minutes anywhere, any time. Note, how you consciously use your mind to relax your body. Once your body is relaxed, it allows you to give your mind with positive, unbroken attention. The more you practice this meditation, the easier it becomes. Eventually you won't need to work through your body, muscle by muscle - it will relax almost instantly with just one thought.
This basic mind-body relaxation experience is the foundation for advanced and deeper meditations.

HMS - 29-03-2011

मुरली सार :- ''मीठे बच्चे - संगदोष से बचकर पढ़ाई पर पूरा-पूरा ध्यान दो तो कोई भी तूफान आ नहीं सकते, बाकी माया को दोषी मत बनाओ'' 
प्रश्न: कौन सी एक बात सदा ध्यान पर रखो तो बेड़ा पार हो जायेगा? 
उत्तर: ''बाबा आपका जो हुक्म'', ऐसे सदा बाप के हुक्म पर चलते रहो तो तुम्हारा बेड़ा पार हो जायेगा। हुक्म पर चलने वाले माया के वार से बच जाते हैं, बुद्धि का ताला खुल जाता है। अपार खुशी रहती है। कोई भी उल्टा कर्म नहीं होता है। 
गीत:- तुम्हें पाके हमने...... 
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार :- 
1) बाप टीचर सतगुरू द्वारा जो शिक्षायें मिलती हैं उन पर चलना है। माया को दोष न देकर अपनी कमियों की जांच कर उन्हें निकालना है। 
2) अहंकार का त्याग कर अपनी पढ़ाई में मस्त रहना है। कभी दूसरों से सेवा नहीं लेनी है। संगदोष से बहुत-बहुत सम्भाल करनी है। 
वरदान: साथी और साक्षीपन की स्मृति द्वारा सब बन्धनों से मुक्त होने वाले सर्व शक्ति सम्पन्न भव 
सर्व शक्तियों से सम्पन्न बन अधीनता से परे होने के लिए दो शब्द सदा याद रहें - एक साक्षी दूसरा-साथी। इससे बन्धनमुक्त अवस्था जल्दी बन जायेगी। सर्वशक्तिवान बाप का साथ है तो सर्व शक्तियां स्वत: प्राप्म हो जाती हैं और साक्षी बनकर चलने से कोई भी बन्धन में फंसेंगे नहीं। निमित्त मात्र इस शरीर में रहकर कर्तव्य किया और साक्षी हो गये - इसका विशेष अभ्यास बढ़ाओ। 
स्लोगन: अशुद्ध और शुद्ध दोनों की युद्ध है तो ब्राह्मण के बजाए क्षत्रिय हो। 

Saturday 26 March 2011

Message for the day

Message for the day
Success is achieved through accurate efforts.

Projection: Normally we tend to associate success with what we get, rather than how much effort we put in. So sometimes when things don’t turn out the way we expect them to, we tend to have negative feelings because of the thought of being unsuccessful. So we tend to stop putting in further efforts for success.

Solution: When I put in accurate efforts for the success of every task, I naturally try to do the best. Because of my own contribution, others too help me and contribute whatever they can to achieve what I set out to do. So there is success in everything. When I do the right thing, I will be able to experience constant self-progress, even if the result is not what I have expected. 
Soul Sustenance
The Location Of The Soul Inside The Body

The soul has the following basic functions to perform:

• to give life to the body and to maintain life inside it,
• to express and experience its role through the body, and
• to receive the rewards or fruits of past actions performed in previous births, through the body.

These functions are controlled and monitored by the soul via the nervous and hormonal systems from a particular point in the area of the brain which contains the thalamus, hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal glands. This region is known as the seat of the soul, or the "third eye". The connection between the physical (body) and the non-physical (soul) is by the medium of thought energy. Many religions and philosophies place great importance on the third eye, or "eye of the mind". When viewed from the front, this region appears to be between and slightly above the line of the eyebrows. It's for this reason that Hindus use a "
tilak", a dot in red or sandalwood paste in the middle of the forehead. Christians also make the sign of the cross in this region. Even when one makes a mistake or expresses tiredness it's to this region that we put the hands in the gestures of self-dismay or exhaustion. After all the soul subconsciously knows that it makes the mistakes and not the body. When people are concentrating deeply in thought it is this area of the forehead where creases or lines are formed on the skin.

Soul Sustenance   

आजकी मुरली

मुरली सार :- ''मीठे बच्चे - चुप रहना भी बहुत बड़ा गुण है, तुम चुप रहकर बाप को याद करते रहो तो बहुत कमाई जमा कर लेंगे''
प्रश्न: कौन से बोल कर्म सन्यास को सिद्ध करते हैं, वह बोल तुम नहीं बोल सकते?
उत्तर: ड्रामा में होगा तो कर लेंगे, बाबा कहते यह तो कर्म सन्यास हो गया। तुम्हें कर्म तो अवश्य करना है। बिना पुरूषार्थ के तो पानी भी नहीं मिल सकता, इसलिए ड्रामा कहकर छोड़ नहीं देना है। नई राजधानी में ऊंच पद पाना है तो खूब पुरूषार्थ करो।
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार :-
1) किसी देहधारी के नाम रूप में नहीं फंसना है। एक बाप की श्रीमत पर चलकर सद्गति को पाना है। चुप रहना है।
2) भविष्य 21 जन्मों के लिए अच्छी रीति पढ़ना और दूसरों को पढ़ाना है। पढ़ने और पढ़ाने से ही नाम बाला होगा।
वरदान: अपने श्रेष्ठ स्वरूप वा श्रेष्ठ नशे में स्थित रह अलौकिकता का अनुभव कराने वाले अन्तर्मुखी भव
जैसे सितारों के संगठन में विशेष सितारों की चमक दूर से ही न्यारी प्यारी लगती है, ऐसे आप सितारे साधारण आत्माओं के बीच में एक विशेष आत्मा दिखाई दो, साधारण रूप में होते असाधारण वा अलौकिक स्थिति हो तो संगठन के बीच में अल्लाह लोग दिखाई पड़ेगे। इसके लिए अन्तर्मुखी बनकर फिर बाहरमुखता में आने का अभ्यास हो। सदैव अपने श्रेष्ठ स्वरूप वा नशे में स्थित होकर, नॉलेजफुल के साथ पावरफुल बनकर नॉलेज दो तब अनेक आत्माओं को अनुभवी बना सकेंगे।
स्लोगन: रावण की जायदाद साथ में रख ली तो दिल में दिलाराम ठहर नहीं सकता। 

Friday 25 March 2011


मुरली सार :- ''मीठे बच्चे - श्रीमत पर कल्याणकारी बनना है, सबको सुख का रास्ता बताना है''

प्रश्न: किसी भी प्रकार की गफ़लत होने का मुख्य कारण क्या है?

उत्तर: देह-अभिमान। देह-अभिमान के कारण ही बच्चों से बहुत भूलें होती हैं। वह सर्विस भी नहीं कर सकते हैं। उनसे ऐसा कर्म होता है जो सब नफ़रत करते हैं। बाबा कहते - बच्चे आत्म-अभिमानी बनो। कोई भी अकर्तव्य नहीं करो। क्षीरखण्ड हो सर्विस के अच्छे-अच्छे प्लैन बनाओ। मुरली सुनकर धारण करो, इसमें बेपरवाह नहीं बनो।

गीत:- छोड़ भी दे आकाश सिंहासन...

धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार: 

1) देही-अभिमानी बनकर सर्विस की भिन्न-भिन्न युक्तियाँ निकालनी हैं। आपस में क्षीरखण्ड होकर सर्विस करनी है। जैसे बाप कल्याणकारी है ऐसे कल्याणकारी बनना है।

2) प्रीत बुद्धि बन और संग तोड़ एक संग जोड़ना है। कोई ऐसा अकर्तव्य नहीं करना है जो कल्प-कल्पान्तर के लिए नुकसान हो जाए।

वरदान: सोचना, बोलना और करना तीनों को समान बनाने वाले सर्वोत्तम पुरूषार्थी भव

सभी शिक्षाओं का सार है कि कोई भी कर्म से देखने, उठने, बैठने-चलने सोने से फरिश्तापन दिखाई दे, हर कर्म में अलौकिकता हो। कोई भी लौकिकता कर्म वा संस्कारों में न हो। सोचना, करना, बोलना सब समान हो। ऐसे नहीं कि सोचते तो थे कि यह न करें लेकिन कर लिया। जब तीनों ही एक समान और बाप समान हो तब कहेंगे श्रेष्ठ वा सर्वोत्तम पुरूषार्थी।

स्लोगन: जिम्मेवारी उठाना अर्थात् एकस्ट्रा दुआओं का अधिकारी बनना।

Message for the day 25-03-2011

Message for the day 25-03-2011
Lightness comes when words are accurate.

Projection: Normally when we want to convey something to others, we tend to use a lot of words for it. Yet we find many times that our feelings are not conveyed. Then there is a tendency to use more words, creating a negative impact on others, sometimes even hurting others’ feelings. Also they don’t bring about accurate result.

Solution: Accurate words means there is nothing extra spoken. Such words being short are sweet to hear too and are those that never hurt others. When my words are to the point, there is a lot of lightness experienced within me and my physical energy is saved too. Others too experience benefit through my words and so I naturally get blessings from them, which helps me move forward with lightness.

Soul Sustenance 25-03-2011

Crossing Negative Circumstances/Situations (cont.)

In order to have a wider perception and not to drown in any negative situation i.e. not to get affected by it, you can position yourself in a positive way.
Instead of losing respect for the self and developing a negative consciousness, if you make your consciousness positive and stabilize yourself in respect towards yourself, in maintaining your positive and powerful self-esteem and a healthy distance (not necessarily physical distance, but rather by not letting the situation absorb you), you will be able to have an eagle's vision. From above, everything looks smaller. It is easier to get over something small. You can. “I am a victorious soul” or “I am a destroyer of obstacles” are examples of positive consciousness.

Whatever happens, it is important to always be aware that you create your thoughts and you allow the situations to have greater or lesser impact inside you, according to how you see them.
Learn to create thoughts full of courage, trust and determination. Spirituality and the practice of meditation helps you do just that. Those thoughts, charged with positive energy, will help you to allow each situation to pass; to really overcome it and leave it behind; for it not to remain alive in your thoughts or in your memory.

With the power of a mind that creates thoughts full of good energy, wherever you go, you will create a pleasant atmosphere.Your vibrations will create spaces full of beauty, love, trust and peacefulness; spaces where all those who enter will remove their masks and will connect again with their true self.

In Spiritual Service,

Thursday 24 March 2011

Soul Sustenance

Crossing Negative Circumstances/Situations (cont.)

The challenge lies in knowing what the strategy is to learn to live
through negative situations without allowing them to influence our
emotional and mental state.

In order to achieve that, in the first place, we should change our
interpretation. Instead of interpreting the situation as an obstruction,
interference or barrier to our path, we need to change our perception.
We can ask ourselves questions like: What has this situation taught me?
What does it say to me? Remain detached, observe and listen before
reacting immediately. From detachment, observation and listening we can
have a more practical and wider perception.

We are the creators of our realities. Reality, in itself, does not
create for us stress, pain or unhappiness. It is our way of looking and
interpretation of reality that brings about these reactions. Therefore,
we have to review how we perceive situations and with what beliefs we
interpret and judge them. Reinterpreting the situation, the concrete
reality, implies allowing the old perception to die in order to make
room for a new vision. Without the old dying, the new cannot be built

Instead of seeing people or situations as obstacles on the path, we can
see them as opportunities to practice patience and tolerance, to know
how to listen, thank and love. They allow us to widen our capacity to
co-operate and enlarge our heart so that we might be more generous.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

In Spiritual Service,

BK Veda:
Thought for Today

We're not automatically entitled to everything, but we are entitled to
become our personal best. Nothing is impossible. Embrace this mind-set.
Ignore any feelings of inadequacy. Avoid negativity at all costs. Work
with faith, persistence and belief. Giving up on YOU is not an option.

Message for the day 24-03-2011

To be constantly enthusiastic is to be an instrument for others' progress too.


Whenever problems come my way, I tend to feel heavy with waste and
negative thoughts. At that time I am not able to feel free and light.
When there is heaviness in my mind, I can't move forward with enthusiasm
and thereby find it difficult to contribute for others' progress too.


Whatever the circumstances I am faced with, I need to make special
effort not to reduce my enthusiasm in any way. Enthusiasm gives me
courage and this courage in turn helps me use my own specialties for
others’ benefit too. I begin to discover new resources within me, which
can be used for everyone’s benefit.


Soul Sustenance

Crossing Negative Circumstances/Situations (cont.)

The challenge lies in knowing what the strategy is to learn to live
through negative situations without allowing them to influence our
emotional and mental state.

In order to achieve that, in the first place, we should change our
interpretation. Instead of interpreting the situation as an obstruction,
interference or barrier to our path, we need to change our perception.
We can ask ourselves questions like: What has this situation taught me?
What does it say to me? Remain detached, observe and listen before
reacting immediately. From detachment, observation and listening we can
have a more practical and wider perception.

We are the creators of our realities. Reality, in itself, does not
create for us stress, pain or unhappiness. It is our way of looking and
interpretation of reality that brings about these reactions. Therefore,
we have to review how we perceive situations and with what beliefs we
interpret and judge them. Reinterpreting the situation, the concrete
reality, implies allowing the old perception to die in order to make
room for a new vision. Without the old dying, the new cannot be built

Instead of seeing people or situations as obstacles on the path, we can
see them as opportunities to practice patience and tolerance, to know
how to listen, thank and love. They allow us to widen our capacity to
co-operate and enlarge our heart so that we might be more generous.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

In Spiritual Service,


Wednesday 23 March 2011



मुरली सार :- ''मीठे बच्चे - पुण्य आत्मा बनना है तो एक बाप को याद करो, याद से ही खाद निकलेगी, आत्मा पावन बनेगी''

प्रश्न: कौन सी स्मृति रहे तो कभी भी किसी बात में मूँझ नहीं सकते?

उत्तर: ड्रामा की। बनी बनाई बन रही, अब कुछ बननी नाहि... यह अनादि ड्रामा चलता ही रहता है। इसमें किसी बात में मूँझने की दरकार नहीं। कई बच्चे कहते हैं पता नहीं यह हमारा अन्तिम 84वाँ जन्म है या नहीं, मूझ जाते हैं। बाबा कहते मूझों नहीं, मनुष्य से देवता बनने का पुरूषार्थ करो।

धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार :-

1) हर एक के निश्चित पार्ट को जान सदा निश्चिंत रहना है। बनी बनाई बन रही.... ड्रामा पर अडोल रहना है।

2) इस छोटे से संगमयुग पर बाप से पूरा वर्सा लेना है। याद के बल से खाद निकाल स्वयं को कौड़ी से हीरे जैसा बनाना है। मीठे झाड़ के सैपलिंग में चलने के लिए लायक बनना है।

वरदान: त्रिकालदर्शी बन व्यर्थ संकल्प व संस्कारों का परिवर्तन करने वाले विश्व कल्याणकारी भव

जब मास्टर त्रिकालदर्शी बन संकल्प को कर्म में लायेंगे, तो कोई भी कर्म व्यर्थ नहीं होगा। इस व्यर्थ को बदलकर समर्थ संकल्प और समर्थ कार्य करना - इसको कहते हैं सम्पूर्ण स्टेज। सिर्फ अपने व्यर्थ संकल्पों वा विकर्मों को भस्म नहीं करना है लेकिन शक्ति रूप बन सारे विश्व के विकर्मों का बोझ हल्का करने व अनेक आत्माओं के व्यर्थ संकल्पों को मिटाने की मशीनरी तेज करो तब कहेंगे विश्व कल्याणकारी।

स्लोगन: नष्टोमोहा बनना है तो सेवा अर्थ स्नेह रखो, स्वार्थ से नहीं।

Message for the day


Message for the day
To be constantly enthusiastic is to be an instrument for others' progress too.

Projection: Whenever problems come my way, I tend to feel heavy with waste and negative thoughts. At that time I am not able to feel free and light. When there is heaviness in my mind, I can't move forward with enthusiasm and thereby find it difficult to contribute for others' progress too.

Solution: Whatever the circumstances I am faced with, I need to make special effort not to reduce my enthusiasm in any way. Enthusiasm gives me courage and this courage in turn helps me use my own specialties for others’ benefit too. I begin to discover new resources within me, which can be used for everyone’s benefit.

Soul Sustenance
Crossing Negative Circumstances/Situations (cont.)

The challenge lies in knowing what the strategy is to learn to live through negative situations without allowing them to influence our emotional and mental state.

In order to achieve that, in the first place, we should change our interpretation. Instead of interpreting the situation as an obstruction, interference or barrier to our path, we need to change our perception. We can ask ourselves questions like: What has this situation taught me? What does it say to me? Remain detached, observe and listen before reacting immediately. From detachment, observation and listening we can have a more practical and wider perception.

We are the creators of our realities. Reality, in itself, does not create for us stress, pain or unhappiness. It is our way of looking and interpretation of reality that brings about these reactions. Therefore, we have to review how we perceive situations and with what beliefs we interpret and judge them. Reinterpreting the situation, the concrete reality, implies allowing the old perception to die in order to make room for a new vision. Without the old dying, the new cannot be built correctly.

Instead of seeing people or situations as obstacles on the path, we can see them as opportunities to practice patience and tolerance, to know how to listen, thank and love. They allow us to widen our capacity to co-operate and enlarge our heart so that we might be more generous.

(To be continued tomorrow …)


मुरली सार :- ''मीठे बच्चे - पुण्य आत्मा बनना है तो एक बाप को याद करो, याद से ही खाद निकलेगी, आत्मा पावन बनेगी''

प्रश्न: कौन सी स्मृति रहे तो कभी भी किसी बात में मूँझ नहीं सकते?

उत्तर: ड्रामा की। बनी बनाई बन रही, अब कुछ बननी नाहि... यह अनादि ड्रामा चलता ही रहता है। इसमें किसी बात में मूँझने की दरकार नहीं। कई बच्चे कहते हैं पता नहीं यह हमारा अन्तिम 84वाँ जन्म है या नहीं, मूझ जाते हैं। बाबा कहते मूझों नहीं, मनुष्य से देवता बनने का पुरूषार्थ करो।

धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार :-

1) हर एक के निश्चित पार्ट को जान सदा निश्चिंत रहना है। बनी बनाई बन रही.... ड्रामा पर अडोल रहना है।

2) इस छोटे से संगमयुग पर बाप से पूरा वर्सा लेना है। याद के बल से खाद निकाल स्वयं को कौड़ी से हीरे जैसा बनाना है। मीठे झाड़ के सैपलिंग में चलने के लिए लायक बनना है।

वरदान: त्रिकालदर्शी बन व्यर्थ संकल्प व संस्कारों का परिवर्तन करने वाले विश्व कल्याणकारी भव

जब मास्टर त्रिकालदर्शी बन संकल्प को कर्म में लायेंगे, तो कोई भी कर्म व्यर्थ नहीं होगा। इस व्यर्थ को बदलकर समर्थ संकल्प और समर्थ कार्य करना - इसको कहते हैं सम्पूर्ण स्टेज। सिर्फ अपने व्यर्थ संकल्पों वा विकर्मों को भस्म नहीं करना है लेकिन शक्ति रूप बन सारे विश्व के विकर्मों का बोझ हल्का करने व अनेक आत्माओं के व्यर्थ संकल्पों को मिटाने की मशीनरी तेज करो तब कहेंगे विश्व कल्याणकारी।

स्लोगन: नष्टोमोहा बनना है तो सेवा अर्थ स्नेह रखो, स्वार्थ से नहीं।

Essence Of Murli 24-03-2011 


Essence Of Murli 24-03-2011

Message for the day

Message for the day
Words filled with good wishes bring change in others.

Projection: Many times we do correct people, but we find that the effect of our words on others’ is not so much. We are at that time so caught up with what we need from the other person and our own expectations that we fail to understand the other person. So I don’t always find the result and sometimes find my relationship getting strained too.

Solution: When there are good wishes combined with the words that I speak, there is love. Whatever is spoken with love is free from selfishness and has its effect on others. Such words are free from all kind of negativity, so they naturally have a lot of power. Only such powerful words can bring about a change in others. This also enables me to gain good wishes for having taken them a step forward. 

Soul Sustenance
Crossing Negative Circumstances/Situations

There are periods of life in which it seems to us that there is someone or something who gets in the way of our path. Circumstances, instead of going in our favor, go against us. They are barriers that make it difficult for us to reach our objectives; they are interruptions that prevent us from feeling satisfied; they are situations that seem to reduce our feelings of success.

When we find ourselves with these scenes that appear to block our progress towards the aims and objectives that we have set out for ourselves, we tend to have negative thoughts; we feel anger and rage, or we feel sad and unenthusiastic, as if we don't have the strength to either overcome or transform the situation. Rather it is the situation that overcomes or overpowers us and leaves us exhausted. Some people are not prepared for this to happen and put all their strength into fighting the situation. They do so with feelings of anger, revenge and injustice. Often it becomes a process that wastes their energies and leaves them exhausted, without achieving a true solution.

It is possible to live through situations without them causing such an emotional energy loss. That does not mean that we become cold and insensitive to what happens around us.
It is a question of living through situations without drowning into them. If we drown ourselves in them we won't be able to help others or ourselves. We will be lost, like the shipwrecked, at the mercy of the waves, the tides and the winds. We will have lost the control of the steering wheel of our ship – our life.

(To be continued tomorrow …)  


मुरली सार :- ''मीठे बच्चे - जैसे बाप-दादा दोनों निरहंकारी हैं, देही-अभिमानी हैं, ऐसे फॉलो फादर करो, तो सदा उन्नति होती रहेगी''

प्रश्न: ऊंच पद की प्राप्ति के लिए कौन सी खबरदारी रखना जरूरी है?

उत्तर: ऊंच पद पाना है तो खबरदारी रखो कि मन्सा से भी किसी को मेरे द्वारा दु:ख न हो,
2) किसी भी परिस्थिति में क्रोध न आये,
3) बाप का बनकर बाप के कार्य में, इस रूद्र यज्ञ में विघ्न रूप न बनें।
अगर कोई मुख से बाबा-बाबा कहे और चलन रॉयल न हो तो ऊंच पद नहीं मिल सकता।

धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार :-

1) बोलने चलने में बहुत रॉयल बनना है। मुख से सदैव रत्न निकालने हैं। आप समान बनाने की सेवा करनी है। किसी की दिल को रंज नहीं करना है।

2) क्रोध पर बड़ी खबरदारी रखनी है। मुखड़ा सदैव देवताओं जैसा हर्षित रखना है। स्वयं को ज्ञान योगबल से देवता बनाना है।

वरदान: कर्म द्वारा गुणों का दान करने वाले डबल लाइट फरिश्ता मूर्त भव

जो बच्चे कर्मणा द्वारा गुणों का दान करते हैं उनकी चलन और चेहरा दोनों ही फरिश्ते की तरह दिखाई देते हैं। वे डबल लाइट अर्थात् प्रकाशमय और हल्केपन की अनुभूति करते हैं। उन्हें कोई भी बोझ महसूस नहीं होता है। हर कर्म में मदद की महसूसता होती है। जैसे कोई शक्ति चला रही है। हर कर्म द्वारा महादानी बनने के कारण उन्हें सर्व की आशीर्वाद वा सर्व के वरदानों की प्राप्ति का अनुभव होता है।

स्लोगन: सेवा में सफलता का सितारा बनो, कमजोर नहीं। 

Essence Of Murli 23-03-2011 


Om shanti 

Saturday 19 March 2011

Message for the day

Message for the day
The ones who have the power to transform negativity into positivity are the ones who are constantly cheerful.

Projection: The usual reaction to negativity is to be negative too. The perception of this negativity tends to make me feel disheartened and I tend to lose my inner happiness. Once I have perceived the negativity, even if I do try to forgive the person and forget the harm done, I find it difficult to do so.

Solution: When I see someone working with some negative quality, what I need to do is to look at the positivity that is hidden behind the perceived negativity. The more I am able to look at people's specialities the more I am able to forgive their weaknesses and this keeps me constantly cheerful. 

Soul Sustenance
Meditation - A Process Of “Cleansing”, “Dialogue” And “Joining” (cont.)

Meditation can be defined as a process of cleansing, a process of dialogue and a process of joining. Yesterday we had explained it as a process of joining. Today we throw more light on the same:

Joining (cont.)

The Supreme Power is the eternal reference point for all creation, whose task is to recharge and cleanse everything.
Being eternally pure and untouched by any trait of selfishness or violence, the Supreme Being is totally benevolent (kind), and through the eternal energies of love and truth is capable of recharging and filling the human soul with all the powers. Of course, each person chooses their own level of cleanliness, recharging or fullness. That personal choice will determine the resulting powers of love, peace, happiness and truth to be found in the individual.

The Supreme Being is like an eternal point of pure Light that resides in the world of eternal silence, beyond time and matter. Through concentrated thought we can reach this source of love and purity. When our mind is "synchronized" it takes just a second to establish communication. When we reach this place of eternal silence, the world of silent light, we focus our loving attention on the Supreme Being. If our focus is deeply concentrated we can feel the self is filled with the purest peace and love, something we have never felt before in our lives.

This is yoga: rejoining the self with the Supreme Being and, in this union, we once again recall all the things of value that had been hidden. So
yoga means remembering: remembering the original self, the original and eternal relationship with the Supreme Being and remembering, through experience, the true meaning of love, peace and happiness (as a result of the connection with the Supreme). 



मुरली सार :- ''मीठे बच्चे - तुम रूप बसन्त हो, तुम्हारे मुख से सदैव ज्ञान रत्न ही निकलने चाहिए, जब भी नया कोई आये तो उसे बाप की पहचान दो''
प्रश्न: अपनी अवस्था को एकरस बनाने का साधन कौन सा है?
उत्तर: संग की सम्भाल करो तो अवस्था एकरस बनती जायेगी। हमेशा अच्छे सर्विसएबुल स्टूडेन्ट का संग करना चाहिए। अगर कोई ज्ञान और योग के सिवाए उल्टी बातें करते हैं, मुख से रत्नों के बदले पत्थर निकालते हैं तो उनके संग से हमेशा सावधान रहना चाहिए।
गीत:- रात के राही...
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:
1) सेन्सीबुल बन सबको बाप का परिचय देना है। मुख से कभी पत्थर निकाल डिससर्विस नहीं करनी है। ज्ञान-योग के सिवाए दूसरी कोई चर्चा नहीं करनी है।
2) जो रूप-बसन्त हैं, सर्विसएबुल हैं उनका ही संग करना है। जो उल्टी-सुल्टी बातें सुनायें उनका संग नहीं करना है।
वरदान: हर शिक्षा को स्वरूप में लाकर सबूत देने वाले सपूत वा साक्षात्कार मूर्त भव
जो बच्चे शिक्षाओं को सिर्फ शिक्षा की रीति से बुद्धि में नहीं रखते, लेकिन उन्हें स्वरूप में लाते हैं वह ज्ञान स्वरूप, प्रेम स्वरूप, आनंद स्वरूप स्थिति में स्थित रहते हैं। जो हर प्वाइंट को स्वरूप में लायेंगे वही प्वाइंट रूप में स्थित हो सकेंगे। प्वाइंट का मनन अथवा वर्णन करना सहज है लेकिन स्वरूप बन अन्य आत्माओं को भी स्वरूप का अनुभव कराना - यही है सबूत देना अर्थात् सपूत वा साक्षात्कार मूर्त बनना।
स्लोगन: एकाग्रता की शक्ति को बढ़ाओ तो मन-बुद्धि का भटकना बंद हो जायेगा। 

Essence Of Murli 19-03-2011 



Sunday 13 March 2011

Message for the day 14-03-2011

Message for the day 14-03-2011
To find reasons to be happy is to increase happiness.

Projection: Sometimes we find ourselves caught up with feelings of negativity from which we are not able to free ourselves. At such a time even situations with no great significance are seen with a vision of negativity as the mind searches for reasons to be sad and sorrowful. So there is constantly an ex-pression of words and actions that reflect the need for sympathy and reassurance.

Solution: When I am happy, I start perceiving everything with that vision. It is like wearing coloured glasses. Whatever colour my glasses are, the whole world is coloured with it. Then, I am no longer able to perceive and recognize negativity and I am able to remain happy with everything. So I am able to really make everything beautiful again.

Soul Sustenance 14-03-2011

False Attachments

Are you aware that whenever you lose your true self-awareness (soul-consciousness), you will identify with and get attached to something that is not you? It could be another person, your work, or some material possession. Let's say you are attached to your job and one day, due to rising costs, your company decides to downsize and starts laying off thousands of its employees - all of a sudden you are asked to leave. The attachment to and identification with your position in the company, which has become a habit (“
sanskara”), causes the creation of fearful and angry thoughts (e.g., "I'm going to lose my job" (fear related to the future) or "How dare they downsize the company and damage my position (anger towards the company and its leadership)). The destructive energy of these thoughts becomes emotion (energy in motion) which then invades your entire mind so you cannot have clear and calm thoughts (the prime requirement of that moment). It hijacks your intellect so you cannot make correct, wise decisions and choices (also the prime requirement of that moment) for the future. Any connection you had with your inner peace is broken. All this happens because you forgot who you really are and had begun to think you are what you do. When seen from the point of view of this example it sounds ridiculous that we should identify with what we do or what we have, but this is currently how the world and its people work. So, never forget who you truly are!

In Spiritual Service,
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 मुरली सार :- ''मीठे बच्चे - तुम सच्चे-सच्चे सत्य बाप से सत्य कथा सुनकर नर से नारायण बनते हो, तुम्हें 21 जन्म के लिए बेहद के बाप से वर्सा मिल जाता है''

प्रश्न: बाप की किस आज्ञा को पालन करने वाले बच्चे ही पारसबुद्धि बनते हैं?

उत्तर: बाप की आज्ञा है - देह के सब सम्बन्धों को भूलकर बाप को और राजाई को याद करो। यही सद्गति के लिए सतगुरू की श्रीमत है। जो इस श्रीमत को पालन करते अर्थात् देही-अभिमानी बनते हैं वही पारसबुद्धि बनते हैं।

गीत:- आज अन्धेंरे में हम इन्सान ...

धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार: 

1) इस अन्तिम 84 वें जन्म में कोई भी पाप कर्म (विकर्म) नहीं करना है। पुण्य आत्मा बनने का पूरा-पूरा पुरूषार्थ करना है। सम्पूर्ण पावन बनना है।

2) अपनी बुद्धि को पारसबुद्धि बनाने के लिए देह के सब सम्बन्धों को भूल देही-अभिमानी बनने का अभ्यास करना है।

वरदान: स्नेही बनने के गुह्य रहस्य को समझ सर्व को राज़ी करने वाले राज़युक्त, योगयुक्त भव

जो बच्चे एक सर्वशक्तिमान् बाप के स्नेही बनकर रहते हैं वे सर्व आत्माओं के स्नेही स्वत: बन जाते हैं। इस गुह्य रहस्य को जो समझ लेते वह राज़युक्त, योगयुक्त वा दिव्यगुणों से युक्तियुक्त बन जाते हैं। ऐसी राज़युक्त आत्मा सर्व आत्माओं को सहज ही राज़ी कर लेती है। जो इस राज़ को नहीं जानते वे कभी अन्य को नाराज़ करते और कभी स्वयं नाराज रहते हैं इसलिए सदा स्नेही के राज़ को जान राजयुक्त बनो।

स्लोगन: जो निमित्त हैं वह जिम्मेवारी सम्भालते भी सदा हल्के हैं।

Saturday 12 March 2011

Message for the day






Message for the day

Silence enables one to listen to the solution for handling situations.

Projection: In challenging situations, we normally tend to think a lot in order to find the right solution. But we find that the more we think, the more we are far from finding the solution. The mind continues to think negative and waste, making us go round in circles. So we are not really able to bring any concrete answers to our problem or challenge.

Solution: Inner silence means an inner state of calm, which allows the best to come from within. When I am able to experience inner silence, or an inner state of calm in all situations, I am able to be free from problems, because I will not have the feeling of having a problem. Instead there will only be a feeling of having a solution and the confidence in doing the right thing. I will be able to use the best of my talent, creativity and inner power to do what has to be done. 

Soul Sustenance

Self Realization (cont.)

People affected by anger lose their temper and become excited at the slightest provocation. Yet, when the event is over they find "peace" in going back to their normal nature. The same applies to all the other vices (greed, ego, lust and attachment), which are at the root of all emotional disturbances, strains, tensions and imbalances. This indicates that the vices are not the original nature of the soul.

If the soul thinks about its original nature and does everything with the realization "I am a soul, not a body," its original qualities reappear naturally. They are its basic values. It is worthless seeking them externally. It is like the musk deer running after the sweet smell of musk, unaware that it is coming from its own navel. Peace of mind is the soul’s property. It automatically flows from within it once it is soul-conscious.

The soul only has to let its original “sanskaras” become thoughts and keep them flowing. Whatever thoughts are in its mind that is the state it experiences. Soul-conscious thoughts bring peace of mind. Body-conscious thoughts disturb the soul. It is the soul who decides what state of mind to experience. It can either be peaceful, or in peacelessness. It is the soul who has the power of decision. The situation should not dictate to the soul.

Friday 11 March 2011

मुरली सार :- ''मीठे बच्चे - सबसे बड़ी बीमारी देह-अभिमान की है, इससे ही डाउन फाल हुआ है, इसलिए अब देही-अभिमानी बनो''

प्रश्न: तुम बच्चों की कर्मातीत अवस्था कब होगी?

उत्तर: जब योगबल से कर्मभोग पर विजय प्राप्त करेंगे। पूरा-पूरा देही-अभिमानी बनेंगे। यह देह-अभिमान का ही रोग सबसे बड़ा है, इससे दुनिया पतित हुई है। देही-अभिमानी बनो तो वह खुशी, वह नशा रहे, चलन भी सुधरे।

गीत:- रात के राही थक मत जाना...

धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार: 

1) देह-अभिमान में आकर कोई भी उल्टा सुल्टा कार्य नहीं करना है। देही-अभिमानी बनने का पूरा-पूरा पुरूषार्थ करना है। अपनी सीरत (चलन) सुधारते रहना है

2) बहुत-बहुत मीठा, शीतल बनना है। अन्दर में क्रोध मोह का जो भूत है, उसे निकाल देना है।

वरदान: हर संकल्प, समय, शब्द और कर्म द्वारा ईश्वरीय सेवा करने वाले सम्पूर्ण वफादार भव

सम्पूर्ण वफादार उन्हें कहा जाता है जो हर वस्तु की पूरी-पूरी सम्भाल करते हैं। कोई भी चीज़ व्यर्थ नहीं जाने देते। जब से जन्म हुआ तब से संकल्प, समय और कर्म सब ईश्वरीय सेवा अर्थ हो। यदि ईश्वरीय सेवा के बजाए कहाँ भी संकल्प वा समय जाता है, व्यर्थ बोल निकलते हैं या तन द्वारा व्यर्थ कार्य होता है तो उनको सम्पूर्ण वफादार नहीं कहेंगे। ऐसे नहीं कि एक सेकण्ड वा एक पैसा व्यर्थ गया - तो क्या बड़ी बात है। नहीं। सम्पूर्ण वफादार अर्थात् सब कुछ सफल करने वाले।

स्लोगन: श्रीमत को यथार्थ समझकर उस पर कदम-कदम चलने में ही सफलता समाई हुई है।

Message for the day
To be content is to neither to get upset nor to upset others.

Projection: Many times I find that my words, actions or behaviour tend to upset others inspite of my not wanting to hurt them. I seem to be very happy with the situation, but others don't seem to be. At that time I am not really able to understand the reason for this and I consider the others to be unreasonable.

Solution: I need to check myself when others are getting upset with me. I need to make effort to check and change myself constantly so that I am able to move along with the demands of time. This is what will bring about true contentment - such contentment that neither will I be upset nor will I upset others. 

Soul Sustenance
Self Realization

The soul, originally a star-like living energy point of perfect peace and purity, twinkling in the soul world is fully charged with spiritual energy, which it naturally displays as love, joy, peace and purity in its actions when it first comes into this physical world. Gradually by taking many births, it becomes attached to the sense organs and the various physical objects and it forgets its original values. Then it becomes a slave to five basic negative forces; anger, greed, ego, lust and attachment. These forces have their roots in body-consciousness, or the false belief that existence is entirely physical. Any time it suffers disappointment, worry or anxiety, it is due to the effect of anyone of these negative influences.

The soul forgets the heights of spiritual attainment and the delights of
supersensuous joy (joy which is not experienced through the sense organs) thinking itself to be a body and it searches for peace and happiness through the sense organs. It mistakenly pursues worldly pleasures in an effort to regain its former state. It forgets its true identity, nature, home and Supreme Father.

While controlled by these negative forces, the soul cannot come back to its normal state of peace, happiness and bliss.

These vices are unwelcome intruders (entrants) into the soul’s original texture of purity. Until the vices have control over the soul, it will never restore its original qualities of peace, bliss, love, purity and knowledge.

(To be continued tomorrow ….)